Thursday, August 4, 2011

Haiku : Whim . . . a passing thought

(5-7-5 syllables)

Thoughts are like bubbles,
Burst each by writing before
they disappear.

Image : Flickr


  1. :) so thoughtful.. very nice.. in short you described well.. nice to see your blog after break

  2. so nice to see you again Saru, Thank You ! :)

  3. Duh- bubble that produce more bubble- thoughts invoking thoughts- :)

  4. Bubbly Thoughts ! :))
    Your visit and comment means a lot to me, Thank you Moon ! :)

  5. love your words as well as this very pic <3 :)

  6. Thank you Saliha ! You brighten up my day..keep coming :)

  7. So wise! Yes thoughts keep bubbling and writing them down makes them reappear constantly giving certain feelings. Liked it so much!
    A HAIKU GIFT for you in the same regard - just a thought of mine in words:

    Bubbling thoughts caught
    In words form oceans hiding
    Pearls of smiles and tears.

  8. @ Celebopadia : Thanks for your compliment !

    @ Suresh :

    Hello Suresh, welcome back ! You've been missing here.. nice to see you again in action :)

    You said it beautifully and elaborated it so nicely.
    Thank you so much for your beautiful HAIKU GIFT :)

    WOW! Cool !
    Thank you ! :)

  9. You've got a lovely skill with a haiku, Kitty, please keep at it!

  10. Hi Aleta, nice to see you here ! :)
    That's very sweet of you to say so..
    I'll try to keep up.
    I appreciate you visit and lovely comment :)

  11. Hi kitty,

    what a wonderful imagination !! You are absolutely right ..
    what I do to burst the bubble thought, I use my pin ! to burst it on my notebook..

    fortunate to be at your blog, kitty

  12. You're praising beyond my worth...
    Thank you so much for your encouraging comment !
    I'm honoured by your visit..thank you! :)

  13. Dear Kitty

    I liked it your Haiku... it paints a beautiful image. It was so perfect that the pic that you posted with it, was not required... :-)

    I love writing Haiku in my own way and necessarily not conform to the Strict rules of the Classical haiku . If you like, you can read my two posts about it

    Haiku - Essence of poetic moment

    Classical Haiku - A brief Note

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At twitter @VerseEveryDay

  14. @Shashi : Thank you so much for your beautiful words !
    I'd gone through your blog...You've nicely elaborated about Haiku and its origin..I liked your haiku too ! :)

    Would like to see your visit here more often.
    Thank you, once again ! :)

  15. @Rahul Bhatia :

    Thank you, Sir !
    Happy to see you here :)

  16. I have experienced these situations in my life many times. When I thought something in the midst of other feelings, and when I forgot to write it down, I later regretted not doing it because I could not recollect the exact thought or the exact words that I thought was worth writing and keeping for memory. Thanks for the poem.

    1. Hello Nandagopal ji, first of all welcome to my blog.
      Thank you so much for sharing your feelings here and giving me opportunity to hear you.

      Surely will visit you blog soon.
      keep coming,
      thank you! :)
